Awesome day with the Malay Red Harlequin in Congkak Park & Resort

I met Chris Chong again, this time we decided to explore Congkak Park & Resort.  We decided to walk up to the end of the Park instead of driving the car up so that we were able to explore the surroundings.  We could not see many butterflies along the way.  Perhaps it was still early in the morning.

When we reached right to the end of the Park, we decided to bash into one of the trails and this was where we found the awesome Malay Red Harlequin (Paralaxita damajanti damajanti). It was hopping from one leaf to another and onto my camera, much to my fascination.  So thankful to Chris for these wonderful shots of the Harlequin on my camera as I will now never forget the memories of that fun chasing moments.

These were my shots from the fun time we had with the Malay Red Harlequin.

Just as we were leaving the trail, a Brown Striped Ringlet  (Ragadia mukata) made its sudden appearance.  Chris and I had such fun chasing it too.  I was too carried away with both the beauties that I did not realise I had 2 leeches stuck on my neck until much later when I saw one of them dropped off.  It was quite gruesome but I finally had that leech bite experience over.

We saw a Malayan Owl  (Neorina lowii neophyta) when we were in the trail but we could not get a near shot of it.  However, much to our delight we saw another one by the stream when we were out from the trail and it was feeding on some fruits.

On our back to the car, we saw a Ciliate Blue (Anthene emolus).  It was not pristine but it looked fine for some good shots.
Quite surprising, was this Royal Assyrian (Terinos terpander).  It was rather flightish but it kept coming back to puddle on the pavement.  Each time I tried to prone to shoot, it would just take off.  I was at the point of giving up and just as I was walking away, it flew right passed me and showed itself in great temptation for me to walk back and tried again.  It finally settled itself and gave me the luxury of all the shots I wanted.
My final specie shot for that day was this Malaysian Albatross (Saletara panda distanti).  I was quite tired by then but took a quick shot, which turned out rather satisfying.
It was a day of fun shooting with Chris despite four leeches bites I had.  Hope to be back here again with Chris soon.
