Butterflies Haven in Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve, Tai Po, Hong Kong

I got up early and made my way to meet May Chan at Tai Po Market MTR, which took me less than an hour from East Tsim Sha Shui. We met at Starbucks and after exchanging our greetings, we headed to Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve. We took the bus No. 20P and stopped at the foot of the Reserve, which was not too far away from the MTR.
  It was a pleasant short walk before we reached Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve.
We were early and the office was not opened yet.  We walked around and to my pleasant sight, I had my first glimpse of the Paris Peacock.  It was so awesome! The photos below were taken in the office grounds of the Butterfly Reserve after it was opened.

There were many other papilions flying about such as the Common Birdwing, Great Mormon (Female and Male) and etc.... but I managed to get only better shots of these few.

We were also fortunate to have seen three Lycaenidae, ie the Club Silverline, Purple Sapphire and Quaker.  May was certainly delighted to have found the Club Silverline, feeding on these flowers for quite a long time, enabling us to take good shots. 
Club Silverline
Purple Sapphire

Truly amazing and without realising it, I have taken at least three different Nymphalidae Danainae, ie the Blue Tiger,  Ceylon Blue Glassy Tiger and Glassy Tiger

As we walked up and down the Butterfly Reserve, I was really happy to have seen all these varieties of butterflies.
Banded Tree Brown
Chestnut Angle
Angled Castor
Chinese Dart
Pale Grass Blue
Contiguous Swift
Yellow Dart
Common Banded Demon
Indian Palm Bob
Dark Edged Snow Flat
Dark Evening Brown

I left Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve at about 4pm to catch the ferry to Macau to join my siblings and daughter who have gone over to Macau in the morning.   I will never forget how I have taken shots of all these awesome butterflies in the intermittent raining condition that afternoon.  It was such a wonderful day of shooting in Hong Kong and a very special thanks to May!
