Exotic Blue Morpho and Giant Owl at The Butterfly House Haga Ocean, Stockholm, Sweden.

The highlight of my recent holiday in Stockholm, Sweden was my visit to the Butterfly House in Haga Park.  My hope of seeing any butterflies in the wild was dashed when we got there and found that Spring had not quite arrived.  To cheer me up, my kids agreed to go along with me to visit the  Butterfly House.  We walked through the woods at Haga Park to get to the Butterfly House and indeed there were no signs of any butterflies.

The entrance fee was 165 KR.    
Lo and Behold! I was absolutely overwhelmed when I saw so many of the Blue Morpho (Morpho Peleides) and Giant Owl (Caligo Memnon) all over the garden.

Giant Owl
Blue Morpho

They were truly amazing South America butterflies and I was so awed by the sheer size of them all.  As I walked about, I found the breeding shelves where pupa and eclosed all hanged neatly rows.


Got acquainted with this little boy who wondered what I was looking for.  Sifu Khew had  told me to look for the Greta Oto also known as the Glasswing, but we could not see any eventhough both of us looked high and low for them.
 In my search for the Glasswing, I also found other interesting butterflies.
Banded Mormon (Phillipines)
 Mosaic or Zebra Mosaic (Colobura Durce) (South America)
Danalid Butterfly (South America)

There were not many butterflies around as I believed the tourist season had not started.  Despite that I was glad to have seen the Blue Morpho and the Giant owl which had inspired me to perhaps, make a trip to South America and look for them in the wild forests one day.
